Friday, November 14, 2008

Mommy and Daddy home from CB

Today was busy from the start as we were preparing all day for going home. Emotionally, it was a tough day because we had to leave the hospital without the baby. Again, we could feel everyone's prayers as we were able to stay positive, thinking about how great Adam is doing overall and that we are leaving him in such great hands. There are many other families with babies in the NICU who live out of town and only get to come back a couple of times each week to visit, so we are reminded of how fortunate we are to live a few minutes away. We can also call anytime to find out exactly how he is doing. Plus, we always have something to look forward to.

We left this afternoon and came home to unpack and doze a few minutes before we came back for his 6 and 9 PM feeding times. It is so great to get to take part in his care; we both even look forward to diaper changes! When he is wrapped all snuggly in the blanket like this we call him our little burrito, for he really is about the size of a regular burrito at Chipotle! (The large sticky thing on his forehead in the picture below provides a little skin window to check his bilirubin frequently without sticking him.)

We have noticed since he was born that he LOVES to stretch out. I always think of newborns as all curled up or loving the fetal position. Maybe its because Adam never grew big enough to get crowded in my belly, but he is constantly stretching. We cracked up today because he looked like he could have been sleeping in a hammock when he was leaned up against this little snuggle thing and had one leg thrown over the side of it and a look of satisfaction on his face.

I just called to check on his weight as this usually happens at the midnight care time. Last night I thought it was safe to round 3 lbs 1.8 oz up to 3 lbs, 2 oz. Tonight, however, he weighed 3 lbs 1.9 oz so really he is at least maintaining his weight - I just didn't realize how exact we really have to be! We were warned from the start that he would likely lose weight before gaining and so far he has never dropped below his birth weight, so praise the Lord!


  1. Hey Lisa and David,
    What a cutie. I love the stretching picture. If you need a ride to hospital while David's at work, just call me. I'm always around. I'm still praying for you all.


  2. He is just so cute! It sounds like he is doing so well. We're praying for you during this transition to being home.

  3. Lisa- Adam is so precious!! I can't believe David's wedding band fit around his fingers! Congrats on your new baby boy!! We are thinking about you and your family!

  4. "Congratulations" on a beautiful baby boy. Your family in Alabama sends our prayers and love. We are glad to know he is doing well.

    Uncle Paul, Aunt Bobbie, Venurma & family, Doug & Family, Steve & family, Pam & family

    The Zimmerman's

  5. He is so cute. It makes me laugh to see him all stretched out. I am so happy that he is doing so well, it gives me a bit of piece of mind. I worry about everything since I'm pregnant with my own.

  6. I bet he's thinking...."Where did all this room come from? I can really stretch now." He is precious and I'm glad he is doing so very well.

  7. He is precious you guys! Great job picking the name! Our Adam thinks you named your baby after him! (I didn't tell him any different. It made him feel important!) We will continue to pray for you through all of this. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help!! Congratulations!

  8. I think they make baby hammocks...if not, Adam is going to invent them someday! How cute and perfect!! Still praying he fattens up and for your healing. Love you both (or all 3)!

  9. He is so adorable. The stretched out picture is hilarious. It looks like he is trying to kick his way out. We will continue to pray for him, and cannot wait for him to come home and have a playdate with Chloe.
