His temperature has been great and since Saturday his isolette temperature has been at 28 degrees Celsius which is the goal. Once he shows that he can maintain his temperature well, he can move to an open crib. There are positives and negatives to this. He needs to be in an open crib prior to going home, of course, and there are less restrictions for the length of time that we can hold him. However, he is now using less energy to stay warm and can use more to grow, and we have gotten quite used to him being in the isolette. The baby in the open crib next to Adam seems really out in the open to us! I think we are becoming germaphobic! (Is that a real word?)
Its really funny because when I thought about myself having a baby, I imagined myself being more like a mom with a second child - realizing that some germs are good and I can't protect the baby from everything. I did realize, however, that I wouldn't know for sure how I might act until the baby was born. Because of Adam's prematurity and all of the precautions that we take in the NICU, I have grown quite used to thinking about protecting him from unnecessary germs and contact. Maybe I'll grow out of it as he grows bigger and stronger, but for now I must admit that I have become a Purell Mom.
Saturday was also the first day that we gave Adam a tub bath. This was really fun for me. David was busy at the time and not at the hospital because we thought it would be another sponge bath, so we were both sad that he missed it. My grandmother had come back to see Adam for the first time since he was born. She came into the room the same time that the bath was starting and was able to help support his head and wash his back. This absolutely made her day! My mom was able to watch through the window (along with some passers-by - sorry Adam) and she took pictures for me. Sorry for the glare - she wasn't familiar with my camera.
Later in the afteroon three of my friends hosted a baby shower for me. This was my second shower and it had a different feel to it since now Adam is already here. We had a great time and Adam is all set for the day that his world grows bigger than the little room he lives in now. Plus, it was great to catch up with friends and family. (Thanks Bridger, Brandy, and Jessica!)
In the evening we went to dinner with all of David's family to celebrate Thanksgiving (I'm telling you, this was a busy day). It isn't often that we are all together so this was a blessing and we had a lot of fun. We all missed Adam being there and talked about how excited we are for him to be part of the family. Certainly, we have a lot for which to be thankful.
Lisa & David,i am so grateful for Adams progress and for the information that you pass along to us.Please take care of yourselves as you need to be strong in Adams time of need.I am still praying for you all and holding your needs up to our Lord..Love to all uncle jack..