Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bittersweet Changes

Following our June vacation, we had a big day for both boys.  Adam started preschool (summer camp) and Caleb started at a new daycare.  Big changes!  At the end of April, we learned that our previous daycare was closing at the end of June.  I was extremely emotional about this - it was literally days before I could even talk through it with David without crying.  There were no major issues, but the church had to make some tough decisions and unfortunately decided to close it.  We have loved our daycare, the friends our boys have made, their wonderful teachers, and they have just thrived there.  It is so important to feel confident and happy with childcare, and we certainly have been blessed.

We ended up at our daycare on the recommendation of a friend.  Because Adam was born in early November rather than when we expected him in January, we were still far down the lists at the places we had applied.  Our daycare had just opened in January, and we visited and liked it.  Caleb joined Adam there when I went back to work too.  We loved having the boys there together and they truly learned so much in an environment where they also learned about Jesus, and I am so thankful for that - I could truly go on and on.  As a working mom, it means the world to me to know that my babies were (and are) in good hands.

We spent some time looking at new places, trying to factor in location, getting the boys where they needed to go in a way that still worked with our early morning schedules, etc.  We decided to leave Adam in the preschool where he was already enrolled (same campus) and take Caleb to a nearby daycare program.  We were sad to have to separate the boys, and were most worried about Caleb's adjustment to a new place with new kids, teachers, and not having Adam nearby.

We have completed 3 full weeks now, and the boys have done really well.  Adam was always super pumped about preschool.  Caleb has done well but drop offs have been hard on both him and David.  He is always having a blast when I pick him up and the teachers continue to tell me that he has done very well with the transition.  Relief!

Breakfast the morning of their first day at new places.  Not sure why Adam is now in the high chair - this was a recent change at our house.  I think he likes being in the tallest chair.  Thankfully, Caleb wanted to sit in Adam's booster seat at the same time.  Whatever - we just go with it around here!
Adam at dropoff.  He is so proud of his backpack!  He loves preschool summer camp, and says ,
 "When I get REALLY big, like Daddy, I'm going to go to BIG preschool, and take my water bottle!"  So cute!
Caleb at his new daycare.  The first day - not so fun for Mom and Dad but I called to check on him and he was doing great so no emergency pick-ups were needed.  

Sign on the door to Caleb's new class
The boys took flowers to their teachers on the last week at the previous daycare as a small gesture but a BIG thank you to being so great!  Each person along the way has meant so much to our family.