Friday, July 31, 2009

A Weekend to Remember

I have been very anxious to get some pictures up from our little long-weekend vacation earlier this month. Here are some pictures of Adam before and during his very first plane ride!

As you can see, he doesn't seem too bothered by it at all. He was a traveling angel! He just sat on my lap and played the entire time. I had read and been told to take a bottle or pacifier to help keep his ears from hurting during takeoff and landing. I gave him these unless he was asleep and he didn't seem to even notice. So maybe my worries were unfounded; I choose to think all my preparation paid off!

Even our plane ride back by myself with Adam was a breeze. He helped me out TREMENDOUSLY by flirting, making eyes, and giving huge grins to everyone sitting around us. So we got a little bit of special treatment, which never hurts, right? I met several people this way! I had prayed about the people I would sit beside on the plane, that Adam wouldn't be a bother to them and that they would be okay with having a little one close by. That plan was sure answered! On our first flight we sat beside a gal who was a dental student in London, England traveling home from visiting her cousin at the beach. It turns out that she had a nine month old baby sister at home. Next thing I knew she was handing me things from my diaper bag and letting me know when his eyes looked heavy. The seat was open beside us on the second flight home but Adam made friends with several people around us who then set up my stroller for me once we picked it up plane-side. The steward on that flight made a special trip to my row to tell me that Adam earned the "best baby" award. Well, yeah!

We had a little bit of excitement on our trip too. On our first full day there we walked from Leigh and Tom's house across the road and for a long morning walk on the beach. We came back and went out by the pool (which was beautiful!). We had really enjoyed our day and were packing it all up to come inside to go to my mom's birthday dinner when my mom fell down one small step by the pool. She was hurting pretty badly and we found out the next day that she had sprained BOTH of her ankles and broke her left leg! So needless to say our vacation plans changed slightly after that!

Adam loved being in the water though. Leigh and Tom had this gigantic yellow duck in the pool that made Adam do a belly laugh when he saw it. We also spent a lot of time near the waterfalls in their pool because Adam was fascinated by them. Now for a few more of those pictures...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Up and Away

Look at what I found Mom! A plastic bag!
Yummmy! I like carrots!

Yikes! Its almost Thursday already, and that is when Adam and I leave for Virginia Beach! It is Adam's first plane ride and my first attempt at trying to pack all of his stuff AND mine in ONE BAG! Yikes again! The good news (well, sorta) is that its only for a few days. We are traveling out with my mom but will be returning on our own after the weekend. We are sad that David couldn't come too! We'll be visiting family there and have some serious pool time planned. So say a little prayer for us as we travel.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

I guess my theme for the summer is to be a few days late of every event! Adam and I had a great weekend (and Daddy too) but he did have to work a couple of days. I was fortunate enough to be off from work both Thursday and Friday and we visited with many friends, did a little shopping, good eating, cookouts, lounging around, playing, and even singing. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.

Adam really is a happy baby most of the time!

We went with my parents and brother to the Patriotic Concert at Transy led by the Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra. We packed a picnic full of snacks and our camping chairs and really had a nice time. The weather was wonderful that day; we were so happy to have taken advantage of it when the next couple of days were a little bit rainy.

It was a good time to think about our country and how blessed we are, and to remember those who have served and are currently serving our country. One of the best parts of my job is getting to give a little something back to our veterans. Surely, as we go about our busy lives we do not take enough time to remember those who are overseas, are in preparation to go, those who have returned and are trying to pick up their lives, and those who did not make it back. We thank you!
God bless the USA!