Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beach, Sand, Planes,and Fun!

We just spent an awesome week in Destin, Florida for vacation, and I've just realized I have too many pictures to share in one post! If all goes well, and the babies continue to nap, I will add my favorites on here to illustrate our trip.

This was Caleb's first time flying, and though Adam flew in the summer of 2009, he does not remember it, so he was especially excited to be riding on an airplane for this trip. I was nervous about packing everything we needed for a beach trip since we were flying (see earlier post), but in the end we scaled down and made it happen.

I love this picture of Adam at the airport - he was in awe!

He loved looking at all the planes and vehicles outside, busy doing their jobs.

On the plane, Adam was happy to watch Mickey Mouse (thank you, technology!)

Caleb, meanwhile, found that being snuggled made for a great place for a nap.

This picture was from our last night there. Adam appears to be in mid-sentence, and Caleb is busy knocking the hat off his head!

Beach babies!

We did lots of playing, digging, burying, running, etc in the sand during the week, but somehow this was the first time Adam realized this trick, and we were sad it was on the last day!

Definitely, a beach trip with two little ones is no easy trip, but we were SO glad we went. It was wonderful to see them learn new things and gain confidence throughout the week. I love the beach, so this was great for me to get to introduce all the fun to Adam and Caleb.

Mother's Day!!

I am surely delinquent on this post but hopefully both of our moms know how special they are to us! This was also my first Mother's Day as a mother of two.

You can see the Crimson Mandevilla in the back which was my gift from the boys.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Resemblance?

My grandfather, Papaw Earl, loves horses. Since his birthday is the beginning of May, my mom and I took a trip with the boys to my hometown to visit him on Derby Day. It was a quick trip, but we had a good time visiting family.

My grandfather, my mom, and me. Some people think we look alike. What do you think? :o)

We're not sure about Caleb yet, but we think Adam may have gotten that look-alike gene as well!

Here's the cute little cupcake horse that we found at the grocery store. How fun is that?

Our trip there went great, timed well with naptimes, etc. However, the way back was another story. Caleb may have not felt well or something, but he did not want to be in his carseat, which makes a 3 hour car trip kinda difficult, you know? Let's just say that the next day I decided we were flying to Florida for vacation, and I purchased plane tickets. Somedays, we are all about sanity!

Half a Decade

David and I recently celebrated our anniversary this month...our FIFTH anniversary. Who knew five years could pass so quickly? I once had these thoughts that every year on our anniversary, we'd celebrate by watching our wedding video and reminiscing on all the special moments of our wedding day. That sounds nice, right? I'm sure many people actually do that. On our first anniversary, we actually made it through the video while eating a slice of our thawed-out top layer of our wedding cake. And that was the last time we've watched it. I hope that I can actually find it now, come to think of it. Not living up to this is not the end of the world, I've decided, because our lives are quite different now. We still very much cherish the memories of that day, and maybe we will one day restart that tradition, but for now, it is okay. I am thankful to have such a wonderful husband, and though I doubt there is anyone out there reading this blog who has somehow missed the numerous pictures of our kiddos, we also have two precious babies now too. I'll never forget our wedding day, but we have thankfully added so many more precious moments to our history together. I cherish each one.

So for this anniversary, we went to Midway to Holly Hill Inn and had a great time...adding to our memories.

So the 5 year anniversary gift is wood, so here is what I received from my husband who buys such thoughtful gifts - a wooden wine rack, a wooden-ish planter with two daylilies and goodies inside.

Inside, a WoodWick candle, a carved budvase, the Anniversary couple from Willow Tree, and a handy little thing (in the back) that makes fancy wavy cheese cuts.

Plus, though unrelated, here's a picture of my rhododendrons in bloom on our anniversary...just because I like them.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Caleb at 9 Months

Is there anything much sweeter than a baby in jammies after bathtime?

It's nice to be able to get around on my own a little bit. I can explore things

that I need to this way.

One of his favorite things to do now is roll/spin over and pull the puzzles down. He did this all on his own. He especially likes to chew on the motorcycle piece, haha!

Love the Transy onesie!

This picture cracks me up! We now let Adam watch cartoons before bed. I am usually trying to get Caleb in the bed at that point, but here he is in the zone watching cartoons himself!

Caleb is 9 months now! Since I was later writing this post, I get to include a few more things. Today, he said "Mama" and I think he knew what it meant! Mark that down as his first word! I mean, he has been babbling awhile, and all of those sounds have come out of his mouth, but today I thought he might know that I was Mama. And if not, well, there are advantages to being the family record-keeper. Plus, Adam definitely said Dada first, so it's only fair. So there. :o)

This has been a big month! He is so close to crawling that I feel like it could be any minute. He kinda crawls backwards, and sometimes gets up on his hands and knees like he is ready to crawl. I may be saying tomorrow that it is a done deal, he is so close.

He also moved up to the big carseat this month after he had outgrown the infant carrier's weight limit. He will still face backward for quite awhile, but I think he is already more comfortable in his new seat.

Caleb has discovered the sippy cup, and while I'm not sure he gets a ton out of it, it must feel really good on sore gums. This baby still has no teeth, but Adam was also kinda late cutting his first tooth as well.

We can really tell that Caleb has become more attached to us this month. He really likes for one of us to be holding him, or close to him. He likes to practice standing up by holding onto our fingers or the couch, and he is so proud of himself when he does. He still loves to jump, and he does this while standing up. He likes to play on the musical table most, but he loves the ball popper and the tv remote too. This week he has also learned to clap his hands. All of these are bittersweet; my baby is growing up...but my baby is growing up!

Caleb weighs 22 lbs, 5 oz (73rd percentile), and is 30 inches long (91st percentile)! We'll learn the stats at his 9 month checkup this week. He is a good eater, obviously, and when eating solids, usually eats cereal and 2 containers of #2 foods. He likes fruits the best, but who wouldn't, right? Yum. He wears 9 month clothes and size 4 diapers. Caleb has had two real haircuts already, plus a few 'above the ear touchups' by Mom, too!

Happy 9 months, sweet baby! We love watching you learn so many new things. You are so special to us!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

On the Farm

I love this picture of Adam helping Daddy and Pop-Pop carry the ladder.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Final Four

In what might have been the most spontaneous thing we have done post-children, David and I decided to go to Houston to watch UK in the Final Four. We set out on our 17 hour journey, and made it quite a fun road trip.

We were there with thousands of our closest friends. Well, maybe not, but at least we had something in common, right? Truthfully, we did run into several people we knew.

Unfortunately, our road ended there a couple of days too soon, but it was fun anyway!

Pep rally at the Tipoff Tailgate.

We were there with our friends, Ben and Courtney, who now live in Texas. We were excited to get to hang out with them for a couple of days.

That place was crazy huge!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter 2011

Here are a few pictures from our Easter weekend.

Helping Caleb with his first Easter basket

Adam loved the eggs with "Mikes" in them.

The night before, we colored Easter eggs. I love making traditions for our family to do together.


Proud of his work!

The day before that David and I were able to go to the boys' daycare to take part in refreshments, reading of the Easter story, some songs, and the egg hunt, which was moved inside due to the rain.

Adam was running all over the gym to fill his bucket with eggs.

He and his friends were super cute!

What a fun day!