Thursday, November 13, 2008

First bath; one less monitor!

Tonight David and I went to Adam's midnight care time and were so excited to see that it was time for Adam to get his first bath since his birthday. One of Adam's biggest issues due to his gestational age is temperature control, so now he is in an incubator and we try to limit holding him to a couple of times a day for ~20 minutes each. Because of this, it was more of a good sponge bath than tub bath but fun nonetheless and we were able to take a few pictures. Mom and Dad might be able to help with the bath more next time but today Mom was happy to get to hold him while his bedding was changed!

After unhooking him from everything, the NICU nurse said it was okay now to take Adam off his pulse ox monitor that wraps around his little foot. She was going to double check with the doctor, but since he had not had any issues with it so far, its likely that it will get to stay off. That's one less wire hooked to him and one thing closer to going home! He had gained a little today so is now up to 3 lbs, 2 oz. Small steps...

One thing specific to pray for is about Adam's IV line, which has been replaced 4 times in little more than 24 hours! First his hand was puffy, and now he is on his third one on his head. Apparently he inherited bad sticking veins from his momma, and with the combination of his feedings through his IV (TPN), it is difficult to have a line last a long time. It sure makes it hard to see him have to get stuck with needles so many times, but if he continues to tolerate the increase in feedings through his tube, hopefully he can stop needing the IV in the next couple of days. Overall, he is doing great and winning the hearts of all his nurses so far!


  1. I am so glad you started a blog, now I can keep up to date with all of you and Adam. He is so cute and small and my prayers will be that he will be so healthy that they will have to let him come home for Christmas. I'll be thinking about you all today because you guys will be going home and I'm praying for you. Just let me know if you all need anything!

    Love ya,

  2. I LOVE the blog! He is so precious and perfect! You will be in our prayers today as you come home!!! So exciting that he's already gained weight!

  3. I'm so happy you started a blog to keep us updated! He is adorable and my aunt Margaret kept telling me how cute he was! I am so happy she was able to take care of him!
    We will continue to pray for your family.

  4. Beautiful! I am just speechless. The picture with David's ring is adorable. I am in awe of you guys and your little man. All three of you are constantly in my thoughts, I know you will get through this and bring him home soon.

  5. David and Lisa, the blog was a great idea! Im so glad you put a specific way for us to pry for your little guy:) You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Please dont hesitate to let us know if you need anything else.
    Love to you all, Michelle and Phillip

  6. When I pulled up the page, the first thing I saw was his picture, and I immediately though, "Well of course that's Lisa Stunk's baby! He looks just like her!" Bold statement, considering he's so newly born. But I'm so happy for you both! I'm glad that you know God is over all of this, and that you're just resting in that. Will and I will be praying for your family : )

  7. Lisa, you don't know me, but I feel as if I know YOU and your family. I'm a friend of your Uncle Jacks' and have heard so much about all of you. I told him to tell you that my grandson was born, prematurely, at exactly the same gestational period, weighed the same, etc. That was in 1986, he's now 22, 5'10", and the father of 2 boys of his own. I've been praying for you guys every night--I'm sure God is watching over little Adam, and the entire family. He is an awesome God. Love and prayers, Peggy Lawrence
