Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy first birthday Caleb!

Happy Birthday Baby! This morning made me think back to one year ago today, when we woke up extra early and went to the hospital to meet our second baby boy. Now, it's difficult to remember what our life was like without him. He has blessed our family so much!

This morning, Caleb waiting patiently for breakfast. I think he looks so tall here!

This afternoon we took the boys to Monkey Joe's and they had a blast!

Caleb had a great time exploring all the jumps!

Bouncy bouncy bounce!

Time out for a carousel ride

Adam got a sticky eyeball toy and thought it was hilarious! Boys will be boys, I guess!

Adam was brave on the big slides!

They were so tired by the time we got in the car - they should sleep great tonight!
It's great to be one!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Father's Day 2011

We had a great Father's Day!

Adam gave Daddy the surprise that he made for him at daycare -
it's a colorful rock that says, "Our Dad Rocks". They had more surprises for him, too.

These two baby boys are blessed with a wonderful daddy!

Our plan was to go play putt putt, but we had bit of rain so when we got there, the course was closed. Instead, we had some fun on the huge playground nearby.


Here we are with my dad, or "E-dad" as Adam calls him. (No idea how that happened!)

Here's Pop Pop with his 3 boys.

We are thankful for great fathers and grandfathers in our family!

Day at the Lake

Here's some pictures I've been wanting to share. Back in June, we had a fun trip to the lake! This was the boys' first time on a boat, and it was a beautiful day to be out and about on the water.

Don't be jealous of my hair.

This is David's great aunt who we visited. She is a firecracker! She is a fisher-woman, and lives right on the lake, so it was her boat we were able to ride. A few months ago, she visited us in Lex and invited us down, so we took her up on her offer and had a great day. She can cook up a good, country meal too!

We did some swimming as well, and Adam really liked climbing up the ladder, so he would be brave getting in just to be able to climb out again. He is so funny!

Here are the boys with Lan and Pop Pop on the boat. They don't look ready to swim, do they? We wondered how Caleb would tolerate the infant life vest since it had the big contraption behind his head, etc. Well, he kicked back and went right to sleep. He loved the hum of the boat and the wind on his face, apparently!

Back at the dock, Adam tried out his new Snoopy fishing pole. It had a plastic, orange fish attached, so he was successful every time!

Here's the little monster once he woke up. How cool is he?

Caleb: 11 months

One more month to go! Caleb turned 11 months at the end of June. Look at this little face, isn't it irresistible? Caleb is so fun these days! He is interacting more with everyone, and especially loves chasing Adam around the loop inside our house. He has a great laugh, and thinks that anything Adam does is interesting and funny! He now has two top teeth (not the front ones, but the ones on each side of those), as well as two bottom teeth coming in. He's weighs ~25 lbs, and is wearing 12 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 4/5 shoes. His hair continues to become a little lighter brown, and his eyes are becoming an interesting brown. He is a cuddle bug! He loves to play with the same favorite toys, but since he is now really mobile, he loves to explore and try out other toys in the toy room too. He still eats baby food, but his preferences have changed some as he likes to eat finger food now.

Caleb is "always happy" per Adam! Here he is smiling after a good day on Norris Lake.

Let me see that thing up close, Mommy!

This may be his favorite thing - swinging! It always causes great smiles!

Watching Daddy mow the grass before bedtime.

We love our baby boy!