Friday, November 21, 2008

The Baby Lotion Smell

This is Adam at the next feeding time AFTER the first bottle experiment. I think it wore him out for almost the entire day yesterday! He was a little tired when we got to the hospital yesterday morning, and the nurse had done a full assessment on him since it was the beginning of her shift. He had a bit of a surprised look on his face when he had his first taste from the bottle, and it took him a minute to figure out what to do. Eventually, he was making all of the motions, and we could see him swallowing and his little jaws were working it. I completely expected half of the milk to be gone when we gave him a little break, but when we held up the bottle, ~ 1 mL was gone! We gave it another try until Adam was fast asleep. So total for Day 1 was 3 mL. Not bad - he did a little bit and hopefully got used to the idea. There were other times during the day where he was more awake and really liked his pacifier and he probably would have done better at those times. I can't wait for him to try it again today.

No other real changes yesterday. I spoke with one of Adam's doctors yesterday and he thinks he is doing really well. He only had one apnea episode within 24 hours. In other news, I forgot to mention that his cord stump fell off two days ago. Unrelated to that, I was able to put baby lotion on him for the first time on Thursday. His skin was starting to look dry in some places from being under the light and in a heated isolette. He smelled so good afterwards! Isn't baby lotion one of the best smells ever?
Weight update: Midnight/Friday morning - 3 lbs, 6.9 oz! (1.4 oz gain)


  1. Lisa,David,& Jessica,thanks for the updates.I pray for you all and for the Lord to Bless your efforts.Love to all Uncle jack.....

  2. Lisa, I can't wait to get home each day and check your updates. Maybe I will get to see him soon. I am very glad he is doing so well and gaining oz.'s each day. Seems like he's gaining really well. He is a precious, beautiful baby boy; you will be a great Mom.
