Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cute things from a 2 1/2 year old

This post is way overdue. In fact, I have wanted to do this for months and now I am sure I will leave tons of cute Adam-isms out. But the fact is, my little Adam is quickly approaching 3! It is hard to believe. He is so fun, that I'd like to be able to remember every little thing that comes out of his mouth; he is at an age where he is so much more vocal, learning new words and phrases and asking questions like crazy. I have a little notebook on my bedside table where I try to write down some of the cute things he says so I won't forget them. He reasons with us, perhaps even more than we would like, and says some of the cutest, funniest things. He is a sweet, sweet boy.

He is a playful, fun boy, who loves to be outside, and loves to pretend play.

He is a loving, protective big brother.

He is lovable, squeezable, and kind.
More big brother role...

He is funny, and I love when he thinks things are silly, or says, "You're silly, Mommy!"

He's a big helper, and will work hard (at least for a few minutes!) on anything you want him to if he thinks he is helping. If you say, "You're a good helper, Adam", he says, "Um-hmmm, I AM!".

Workin' hard

He loves to play, and plays hard. It helps a lot to have a new playmate now that
Caleb is mobile.

Look out! He is a spy in training!

I know it won't be long that we will be talking about planning a birthday, but I love this age, even though he's 2. Sure, he tests us and pushes his limits, but he is a wonderful 2 year old, and we are very thankful to be part of this special boy's life.