Friday, December 16, 2011

What it's like to be 3

One post that is way overdue is my update on my three year old.  Life is jam-packed but fun-filled right now, and every day I think about how these days are precious and there are so many things I hope to never forget.

Future photographer - think he's seen Miss Jessica at work a few times? 

  • These days, Adam weighs about 31 lbs, and wears mostly 24 months/2T clothes, though his exposed ankles are telling me that he's ready to move up because he's getting taller!  Sorry for the highwaters, baby, but your waist is really small!
  • Adam has an amazing sense of direction.  I know I've said this before, but really, he astounds me sometimes. He hardly misses a turn, and I am sure he could get me to a list of places that we visit on a regular basis.  Nearly every day when I pick him up he asks, "Will you take me a DIFFERENT way, Mommy?"  David is way better to oblige; I generally prefer the quickest way!  Frequently we hear him say, "Hey, this is the way we go when we are going to (fill in the blank).  This kid is good.  
  • Adam generally obeys and is good to "turn on his listening ears" with a motion and a "beep beep", though like most 3 year olds, he has his moments, haha!  It is rare that a get a bad report from daycare, and I am proud that he likes to "take care of Bubby" at school "so he won't cry".  Because of Adam, all the kids in Adam's class call Caleb "Bubby" too!
  • Adam still likes to watch similar cartoons as before, and our routine is to watch one when it is close to bedtime, usually while we are getting Caleb in his crib.  He likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and occasionally Special Agent Oso. 
  • Favorite books right now are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Sing Along Songs (both boys), Frosty the Snowman, the Night Before Christmas, several different Curious George books, and the book about Farmer Brown.  He has become interested in longer stories recently.
  • Adam loves to help do things, and he is my special helper when I am getting food ready as long as he isn't hungry.  He is a good eater and likes most things (most days, anyway).  He loves fruits and vegetables, so it is hard to complain, really. His favorite candy are Mike and Ikes, which we used as treats while potty training.  He was so funny - when he was really proud of himself, he would ask if he could have TWO "mikes".  I found that to be a GREAT deal!
  • I love this age where he is so talkative, especially in the car.  If something happened at daycare, I hear all about it, and sometimes I am pretty sure I hear about things that he just flat-out made up, but that's funny too!  Hearing his version of it is great.  
  • Our bedtime routine (following the cartoon), is to get his cup of milk, go brush his teeth (he loves his watermelon toothpaste), go to his bed, read a book or two (usually multiple times, ha!), say our prayers, and sometimes tell a story before he dozes off.  He likes to play with my rings or David's as he falls asleep.  I don't completely get it, but it seems like he has done this forever.  Most nights he comes to get in our bed at some point.  He's gotten so slick at it that most nights we don't even know when he came in.  I know - I'm scared, too!
  • Adam loves to sing, and I am positive he knows over a hundred songs.  He loves his songs in the car, especially.  He laughs EVERY time he hears "Hey Diddle Diddle" because he says it is just so silly! 


Love you my self-proclaimed "Pea-nut"!

My Mailman and Garden Gnome

I had to add the pictures from our fun Halloween this year.  I had the cutest two little boys ever!

Adam picked out his costume this year, and isn't he cute in his hat and with his own mailbag?  

My little garden gnome, without his beard here, but I love this little guy.

Nana and E-Dad met us at the Fall Festival, and the boys had a good time playing games and seeing their friends. 

Caleb's crazy 'brows

Caleb couldn't hang with us long enough on this night to carve our pumpkin, and Adam thought the insides were pretty gross, haha!

But he loved the final product!

Crazy faced pumpkin, and crazy faced Mommy and Adam

Maybe it looks better in the dark!

Adam and his buddy Drake at the daycare dress-up parade.  They were so cute holding hands and marching. 

When it was time for actual trick or treating, these boys were quick to figure out that they got candy at these doors!  Adam was shy at first, but then he started saying, "On to the next house!"  He loved recognizing the houses with their lights on, ready for trick-or-treaters!

Caleb had a gnome-mobile to help him get around.  Happy Halloween!