Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sixteen month update

My baby boy turned 16 months old this month, and in case I haven't said it before, he is such a blessing. Here are a few things I don't want to forget:
My baby boy turned 16 months old this month, and in case I haven't said it before, he is such a blessing. Here are a few things I don't want to forget:
• He's learning new words every day. I really struggle to pinpoint the day of his "first word" but I'd guess it has to be dada. He's been saying that forever and at some point along the way, is now sure of its meaning. Some other words he can say when he wants to are: Momma, ball, bye-bye, bobby (bottle), wo (hello, when he's talking on the phone), and baby. I know I'm missing a few… He babbles nonstop though, and has babbled "diddler, diddler, diddler" for quite some time. We're still working on that one, but I really think he just loves to work his tongue.
• He loves to pick out books to read, and while he doesn't always sit long enough for the entire book, he jumps up to get another one. His faves are "Night Night Little Pookie", "My First Truck Board Book", "Baby Einsten First Words", and "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can you?"
• Adam currently wears about 12 month clothing. Sometimes a little smaller, sometimes 12-18 months. His 9 month pants are getting too short, but his 12 month pants are still a little big in the waist. We need baby belts or something. He wears size 4 shoes and size 4 diapers.
• Adam still loves to take a bath. He loves to splash and play with all his bath toys. He also has learned to let the water out of the tub.
• He loves putting lids on things now, so emptying and filling is a favorite.
• He loves to put the phone up by his head (read…on shoulder, elbow in air) and say "Wo", then babble into the phone
• He loves to climb stairs, go back down, get in his toy box, rock in his rocking chair, and give kisses and hugs to Mommy and Daddy. He also loves it when he gets a piggyback ride or when Daddy tosses him into the air.
• He eats whatever he can feed himself, plus whatever anyone around him is eating. He's like a little scavenger.
• He's a pretty good sleeper; not perfect, but pretty good.
• He loves to open our front window shutters and watch everyone outside. Since its been warm, he now cries when he has to come inside. He loves to ride in his wagon or walk around outside, and he loves the big snow scraper. We sometimes even have to bring it inside.

We can't wait for spring and more time outside!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Late Announcement

Well this announcement has been awhile coming...Adam is going to be a big brother! I say its taken awhile because we are nearly halfway to the arrival of this new little one! This upcoming Tuesday, the 16th, we find out if our lives will continue in baby blue, or add a little pink to our house. We are very excited!

So yes, we've known awhile. I actually found out the week of Thanksgiving, and we told our families at Christmas. Little Adam has no clue what is about to hit him, but we pray that Adam and this baby will be best buddies in no time!

So yes, we're excited, and yes, we're nervous about two babies in diapers, but its coming our way. We would really appreciate your prayers that we have a healthy baby and that this one will decide to stay put until closer to its due date!