Friday, August 27, 2010

One Month Old

While it seems that it was only last week that we woke up and went to the hospital knowing that would be the day we would meet our sweet Caleb, it has now been one month! Time flies when you are having fun…and have a 1 year old…and are sleep deprived!

What is life like with "little bit" right now?
-Caleb is growing! Today we had a doctor's appointment and he weighed 10 lbs, 15 oz. He's gained nearly 2 lbs in ~2 weeks!
-He sleeps quite a bit during the day and night. When he is awake, he is bright-eyed, usually hungry, and still easily startles.
-He is a grunter! He grunts and makes a cute snorting noise when he is mad or hungry.
-He is wearing some a couple of bigger newborn-sized outfits, and some 0-3 month clothing. He now wears size 1 diapers.
-He loves the bouncy chair when the vibration is on, and today has had a really nice nap in his swing.
-He has really long fingers and toes, plenty of dark brown hair, dark blue / gray eyes.
-Caleb loves to make pouty or serious faces. We'll have to work on that or he'll get permanent frown lines on his head! He doesn't cry much, though. Usually only if hungry, wanting held, or cold.
-Speaking of cold, he is not! Caleb is like having a little hot pack on you.
-Bath time starts with lots of cries (hello, this is when I am cold!) but once he is in the water he is fine to stay there.
-Caleb is not too fond the of paci, but is soothed by drives in the car (with minimal stoplights, ha!)
-Yesterday I noticed Caleb watching the mobile on the swing.
-Two weeks ago, Caleb managed to roll over while getting a diaper changed, but he hasn't offered to do this since.
-He still looks a lot like Mommy's baby picture. I'll try to scan that picture in for comparison sometime.
-Today he had his first "sick" doctor's appointment (boo!). He doesn't seem to feel bad, but he has had a cough for two weeks that he just can't kick! The pediatrician prescribed some medicine for him, so hopefully this will help.

Check me out relaxing outside with Mommy!

Life is different with two little boys, but so good! We have two sweeties, for sure!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Backseat Driver

We thought we'd give you a peek into all the new vehicles we have at our house now. Since we've gotten all these new rides, we've noticed that Adam has opinions about which way we should go when David or I am driving. There is one street in particular that Adam is opinionated about, and if you aren't paying attention, he will remind you which way you should go. The answer is LEFT!

This is one of the newest "rides". You may recognize it from your childhood, in fact!

Aww, yes...the Cozy Coupe! Also available in blue top at Nana & Grandad's house.

Complete with a cupholder / bubble wand holder. What more would a boy want?

This may be the newest ride we have, and let's just say we have some work before we can say we are competent with the accelerator. But there's a handy place to keep your tools in the front!

This little ride has its days. We've had it awhile, it was a gift from Mamaw and Papaw Bell, Adam's great grandparents, and we've been waiting on his feet to reach the pedals. I'm pretty sure they can now, but we're still learning to pedal. But the streamers are fun, and it has a storage bin in the back that's great for carrying leaves and sticks. Also available in green at Lan and Papa's house.

We have this model available in several different options: brown double stroller, gray umbrella stroller, or gray and green single version. Either way, we get our use out of them.

The first and last come equipped with baskets that should not be used for this:

And even though this picture is from Christmas, Adam still loves this fire truck. He loves to beep the horn and ring the bell button, and he has now learned to jump up with his legs while sitting on it. (Boys + loud noises = fun times)

So we've left off a wagon or get the idea! But let's hope its awhile before he drives anything like this! As Aunt Debbie learned, when you are around Adam, you must keep your keys ("tees") out of sight at all times!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Caleb's Crib

Caleb wanted to invite you to take a peek at his room!

Thanks for looking. Come visit us sometime!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Visiting the Doctor

Wednesday was Caleb's two week appointment at the doctor. We are enjoying these appointments before immunizations begin. The purpose of this appointment was to make sure Caleb had made it back to his birth weight. When we left the hospital, Caleb was already gaining some back after losing down to 7 lbs, 11 oz. Sure enough, he had far surpassed his brith weight and was up to 9 lbs, 1 oz (55th percentile), and measured 22.5 inches in length (95th percentile). All was well with our baby boy!

I am down to my last few days of having David home with me. I have been really fortunate to have him for these three weeks! I can't imagine what I would have done otherwise. He is always a wonderful husband and father, but he has been especially appreciated. Recovering this time for me has been a bit slower, and its been compounded by having an active 21 month old at home.

Adam has done well with Caleb at home; he loves to kiss and pat baby brother and is usually eager to offer the paci to Caleb or throw away dirty diapers. But as expected, Adam makes sure that he isn't lacking attention, so if he wasn't already, he is Daddy's boy now!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome Home Caleb!

After three nights at the hospital, we came home on Friday, July 30. It was a hot, hot, sunny day. David picked up Adam so that the three of us could bring Caleb home together. Uncle Scotty had stopped by to visit so he was also at the hospital to help carry stuff out and served as the answer to how we would logistically get ourselves out to the car since I couldn't walk that far or carry much and it was doubtful Adam would walk that far either. I'm sure this is only the beginning for us in learning how to function as a family with two small boys.

Thanks to Nana for decorating our yard!

Adam made sure his new brother stayed in his seat.

It looks like Mommy or Daddy should have made sure his head didn't slump to the side!

Later in the day Lan (David's mom) had fixed a tasty lasagna, salad, and Italian bread for all of us with homemade angel food cake and fresh strawberry toppings for dessert. Nana and Grandad, as well as GranJan came over to eat with us.

Caleb has made himself pretty comfortable at home!