Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Otitis Media

The little man is down (but not out) with an ear infection today. He had a fever yesterday while he was home with Daddy and a couple of rough nights so I stayed home with him today. I took him to the pediatrician this morning and did his 9 month old checkup (scheduled for next week) today too. He no longer has a fever but one ear "looks terrible" according to the doctor. So I had my favorite pharmacist fill his prescription and hopefully we are on our way back to feeling great. Little man hasn't been too fussy in general, but if something goes wrong (like he tips over) he is way more unhappy than his normal self would be.

We have to go back to the doctor next week, though for follow-up because his hemoglobin was low again. Hopefully its just because he was sick today. Nevertheless, its back to iron supplements until we know for sure. As for now, I think we'll go for a walk. He enjoys that so much. And his ear hasn't kept him from bouncing!

By the way, Adam is now in the 3rd percentile (up from the 1st) in weight. Yippee! He is also up to the 35th for length now.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nine Months

Here's a picture from this morning that cracks me up. You can't see the true craziness of Adam's bed-head, but you can see that every time he wears these jammies he manages to get his feet out. In the middle of the night. Little Houdini.

Well, school has started back and Adam has taken full advantage of that by deciding to absorb every little thing that happens and learn to imitate it.

  • We have a 9 month old on our hands now! And maybe its just me but it seems like he has made a huge leap in growing up!

  • He still has not really taken off crawling yet. He gets where he needs to go in a round about fashion but I am sure any day now he will be on the move.

  • He learns something new every day. I love this age. Have I said those things before? Day before yesterday, Adam was playing on his belly and just sat himself up! He puts his legs underneath him and then pushes himself backwards with his arms until he's sitting on his butt. After the first time, he is such a pro that you'd think he has been doing it forever.

  • Adam is so curious about everything now. He is pulling himself up when he can find something that will work to hold on to. Most of the things in our living room won't work, but he's found a few places that do. David plans to lower the crib mattress when he gets home from work today.

  • Oh my! And the tooth! That's been almost 3 weeks now but he has one nail-sharp little tooth on the bottom front that is poking through. He's had a little runny nose to go with it.

  • He discovered his tongue last weekend and was constantly sticking it out and using it to make smacky noises. After a couple of days he was over it.

  • Its time to take a good look around our living room and places where he usually hangs out. I have a photo album on the shelf beneath my coffee table and he loves to crawl over and pull it off. Now that he can sit himself up, he gets situated, pulls it closer to him and then starts turning the pages (usually upside down and in a crinkled up fashion). Yep, that album needs a new home.

  • Adam is ~16 lbs and 10 oz, 27 1/2 inches long and a wiggly worm. He's outgrown his 3-6 month clothes and #2 diapers (though we're still using them at the moment). We've moved on to #2 foods as well.

Who can believe its time for school to start again? No one in my household is in school now but I've realized it doesn't matter. Its still a turning point either way. First, there's the traffic. Where do all these people go? I made the mistake on the first day of school of driving by a school near my house. I have discovered this year that traffic lights fall way more in my favor if I get out of my neighborhood the longer way. I thought I was early enough to beat the school traffic, but not on the first day! I was in line for the same stop sign for nearly 7 minutes! Plus I was already running late. But sitting there and watching all these parents walk their too-little children to school made me tear up! I am such a softie sometimes. I watched a little guy who was obviously SO proud of his Batman bookbag, but I just wanted to say, "Turn around, he's too little for school!" I will be a basketcase in 4-5 more years if I'm not already (which is arguable).

On a brighter note, school does give you the opportunity to shop from the BEST selection of school supplies, and who doesn't love school supplies? Why do you suddenly feel inspired to journal when you have a new notebook and a flashy new pen? And crayons! Aren't they just fun! I admit to hanging out in the school supply aisle looking for something that I "need". Maybe I'll go back to school for something. Umm..naahh. I'll wait a few years for kindergarten.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mobile at last!?

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but Adam is developing mobility.