Sunday, November 7, 2010

Adam: 2 years old!

Happy 2nd birthday sweet boy!

Adam had a great birthday today! He and Bubby stayed home with Dada today, and they did their secret guy stuff, I guess. When I came home from work we went to every 2 year old's dream place - Gattitown!
On Friday Adam and I went to the doctor for his two year checkup, and Adam is doing great. He was complimented on his maturity and I thought he was so brave! He had one shot plus the nasal flu vaccine and then he was given stickers, which made him very proud. I enjoyed getting to spend some time with him and I think he liked having time alone with Momma too.

24 month stats:
Weight: 26 1/2 lbs (25th percentile)
Height: 34 inches (41st percentile)
Head circumference: 49 cm (59th percentile)

Once he was "nakey" as Adam says, he sat down to wait on the doctor to come in.

Here's a look back at our baby a year ago. Adam, you have grown so much. We look forward to celebrating your birthday all week!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Caleb: 3 months old

Guess what smiley boy turned three months old a few days ago? Yep, that's right, THREE months old! Wow, Caleb! You are growing up on us!

Our happy boy is growing so well and is so well loved by this family!
-Caleb now weighs 14 lbs, 11 oz, and 25 1/2 inches long.
-He wears size 3 month clothes, plus some 3-6 month clothes, and Size 2 diapers.
-He loves to be snuggled and loved on.
-Caleb is very fond of sitting up where he can look around, even if he hasn't mastered it yet.
-He coos and gurgles when you talk to him, and he tries hard to talk back. So cute!
-Caleb started sleeping through the night two weeks ago. He sleeps in his crib from about 8:30 to about 5:30 AM - yea! He prefers to sleep with his arms over his head, almost always!
-Guess who sucks his thumb? At least for now, its better than any paci!
-His hair is a lighter brown now and his eyes are still a dark gray-blue.

Happy 3 months, Caleb James! We love you!