Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Fun

Mr. Man got his first haircut last week! He was in a bit of shock by the whole thing, but he loved playing on the slides.

We had the best day on Thursday! This was Adam's first trip to Keeneland and to see horses. He is a people watcher! He flirted with a girl behind us most of the day.

"They're at the post..."

There's a few things I love about this picture.
1) It sorta looks like a photo-shop fake, doesn't it?
2) It was a pretty good way to get Adam close to a horse and
3) It easily shows David's mullet. (!?!)

Does this picture really need a caption?

We finally made it out to the orchard and couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

What's our 11 month old up to these days?

Adam is a little over 11 months now. Time flies! Here's a few things about our boy:

• He is a busy, curious (did I say busy?) boy! It feels like nothing is out of his reach.
• Adam crawls really well, and is FAST! My favorite new thing is chasing him, because now he will "run" from me. He stops to make sure I'm still following, squeals with laughter, then lunges forward to get moving again. It is infectious!
• He now weighs ~19 lbs, 4 ounces and is somewhere around 29 inches long. He wears clothes that are ~9 months (sometimes still 6 months) and a Size 3 diaper.
• Adam loves to eat, and he loves to try anything Mommy and Daddy are eating. He's better with his sippy cup now, though he doesn't care much for juice yet. He has four teeth now.
• His favorite toys are his blocks shape sorter, little singing wheel car thing, ring stacker, singing bear, and wooden spoon. Got all that?
• His motor skills get better every day.
• Adam can get into baskets or drawers and pull out every single thing, or can pull everything off a bookshelf within reach. Need I say more about his motor skills? I didn't even mention that every single thing makes its way into his mouth…well, until now.
• We have had a few pinched fingers in drawers, a few incidences of a bumped head, but lots of fun.
• He loves to clap, blow raspberries, bang on my table with his toys, laugh, play peek-a-boo, and get tickled by Daddy. He loves to watch cars go by and kids play outside.
• He becomes more brave every day, and has been known to let go while standing because he's busy doing something. No steps yet!
• He is a sweet, sweet boy.

Our Nation's Capital

Last month I had a last-minute trip to DC for a work conference with other VA pharmacists who do the same specific job that I do all across the country. It was fun to get to meet some people, share our work and ideas, etc. It was only for a couple of days, so David was able to switch a day and go with me! This was our first trip away from Adam, and our my first night away from him. Leaving him was difficult, but he was in good hands with David's parents, and from all accounts he had a great time and did a lot of visiting! I survived being away from him, though I convinced myself that he was upset with me the entire first 24 hours I was home. I'm sure now that it was all in my head.

David and I had a fun time, walked until our feet were blistered, and were able to enjoy a couple beautiful days seeing some sights, thinking of our nations's blessed history, and being thankful for those who have and those who are currently fighting for our country.

The Washington Monument, so pretty at night!

The World War II Memorial: This was "new" since I had last been in DC, and was so great to visit. Pictures do not do it justice.

There was one of these for each state and territory at the time of the war. I am sure there was a ton more symbolism behind the design, so click here for more info. Who said this blog couldn't be educational?

The White House from the top of the Washington Monument. I'm zoomed in, but I never knew it was so close to the Mall! I can't wait to go back one day when Adam is a little bigger.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I've been waiting for Adam to get big enough for his Transy onesie! Thanks Brandy - it looks so cute!

My friend Allyson and her family visited last weekend and brought her son Ryan. Allyson was my next door neighbor and best friend growing up. We spent many, many, many hours playing together, so we were excited for Ryan and Adam to meet. Had Adam been born on his due date, Ryan and Adam would be almost exactly a year apart. Aren't they cute?

We had quite a fun-filled weekend. I went to Cincinnati on Friday and was able to catch up with a good friend, Saturday was busy and Sunday I was able to co-host a shower for my friend Ashley from college. I had not seen many of the girls at the shower in quite awhile, and we had so much fun catching up. Here's Adam and me with Sara, Julia, and Ashley.

A little while later Adam and I had been playing and I started doing something else and then noticed that he had gotten awfully quiet... Now I ask, what kind of mom lets her little boy play with a tube of butt cream?

And what kind of Mom takes a picture before taking it away?

The mom of a little boy who cried when it was gone!