Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congrats, Jessica!

I have exciting news to share! My friend, Jessica, who has taken all of our beautiful photos of Adam, was selected as one of the local photographers to have some of her pictures displayed in the rooms on the maternity floor at Central Baptist. Each one will be posted with a nameplate and her business information. This is great for her as she would like to do photography full time rather than essentially work TWO full time jobs and this is one way to gain some family / child photography business to add to her crazy-busy wedding schedule. She has chosen this picture of Adam as one to be on display! I went with her to the reception that was held on Wednesday evening to see the pictures of all the beautiful babies and it was a treat. I am so proud of her! So all of you who are expecting babies soon and will deliver at CB, keep an eye out for Adam's picture.


  1. Hi from your Florida cousin Ann. I have sent the little movie to many friends as I think it charming .And congrats to your photographer. I also loved the under-the-Christmas-tree photos too. (PS.Don't understand "profile choice" so I just clicked Anonymous and it worked.)

    Ann Shelley Foster

  2. Woops, I take that back...anonymous did not work. I stumbled around and got to Google account, set one up and here I am. Whew.

    Tech challenged Ann
