Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas pics...late

There have been several times recently where I wanted to post updates about our little miracle but I either don't get a chance that day or I forget what I was going to write about. Sleep deprivation will definitely do that to you. The other day I thought I was really ahead of the game by getting some things together that needed to be mailed and putting them by the door for David to take to the mailbox. That evening when he came home from work he told me that I had put the stamp in the wrong corner on one of them. Really!?! Isn't this second nature since we learned this in first grade? I am telling you, without sleep, all of those brain connections are NOT working.

Adam will be two months old tomorrow - isn't that hard to believe? I cannot believe how much he has changed, yet in some ways if I look back on the early pictures from the hospital, I see him making faces and doing things that he still does - I just didn't recognize them at first until we have gotten to know each other better. He has outgrown his first outfit, too - I realized this yesterday after trying to squeeze him in it one last time and finding that his legs could not stretch out. There are a couple others also close to being outgrown but I must admit I'm having trouble letting go of his first preemie clothes.
We are at a point now where the spoiling has begun. We knew that this was coming as a first grandchild, but now Adam thinks that he must be held to fall asleep, and sometimes just for being awake. We have a week of Christmas and family being around to thank for this, though we know we are not innocent, either. I think of many times when he was in the hospital and all I wanted to do was to be able to pick him up, hold him next to me and give him kisses as much as I wanted. I guess we are now making up for that as best we can.

I am posting a few pictures from Christmas that my friend Jessica took. I waited to post these because they were surprise pictures for our moms and then have been slow about putting them up here. There are more to come, but here's a few.

By the way, many people have asked me about Jessica's work. She is available for baby or family sessions (or more!) and I think her prices are a steal for the work that she does. You can check out more of her work at and find her contact info there if you are interested.

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