Monday, October 5, 2009


I've been waiting for Adam to get big enough for his Transy onesie! Thanks Brandy - it looks so cute!

My friend Allyson and her family visited last weekend and brought her son Ryan. Allyson was my next door neighbor and best friend growing up. We spent many, many, many hours playing together, so we were excited for Ryan and Adam to meet. Had Adam been born on his due date, Ryan and Adam would be almost exactly a year apart. Aren't they cute?

We had quite a fun-filled weekend. I went to Cincinnati on Friday and was able to catch up with a good friend, Saturday was busy and Sunday I was able to co-host a shower for my friend Ashley from college. I had not seen many of the girls at the shower in quite awhile, and we had so much fun catching up. Here's Adam and me with Sara, Julia, and Ashley.

A little while later Adam and I had been playing and I started doing something else and then noticed that he had gotten awfully quiet... Now I ask, what kind of mom lets her little boy play with a tube of butt cream?

And what kind of Mom takes a picture before taking it away?

The mom of a little boy who cried when it was gone!

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