Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Percentile, Here We Come!!

We made the growth charts today! Adam had his appointment today for his RSV shot, and the doctor decided to go ahead and make it his four month checkup as well. So we were back to four shots and 2 heel sticks again. The good news was that his hemoglobin had improved! He weighed 11 lbs, 2 ounches, which was in the 1st percentile on the "regular" baby growth chart! Yea! He was 23 1/2 inches long, which was the 8th percentile, and his head circumference was in the 3rd percentile! I just cannot believe how long he has gotten - seven inches is a lot to grow. Its like he has grown the whole length of his leg since he was born!

1 comment:

  1. Hey he seems to be growing right along. My preemie (Karissa) weighed 12.6 lbs and was 24 inches long at 4 months.
    As a rule they do say that by the time they are 2 they should catch up to their peers. So don't be concerned if he does the milestones a month or so behind other babies his age. Karissa didn't walk until she was 16 months old and the Dr wasn't concerned. Me on the other hand wanted her to walk by then!! LOL
