Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beach, Sand, Planes, and Fun! Part 2 - the Beach

Adam was a bit unsure about the beach and the ocean. The first day, after traveling most of the day, getting to our villa, and changing to beach clothes, we get all four of us out to the beach, play in the sand for a few minutes, and then Adam says, "I want to go home." Ahhhhhhh!!!! It took him awhile to get used to all the sand....rather, to figure out how to get the sane off his hands when it bothered him. As for the ocean, well, it's by far the biggest thing he has ever seen, so it is pretty scary. I want him to have a healthy fear of these things, but it took a few days before Adam would go far enough to get his feet wet.

Naturally, he felt safe when Daddy was with him.

Playing in sand...

Caleb, despite mastering his crawling skills during the week of vacation, was pretty content to sit inside the beach tent. A sandy beach is pretty tough place for a crawling, thumb-sucker!

Our friends the Andersons went on the trip with us, so there were actually FOUR little boys on our trip! Dustin and Adam were good buddies, and they had a lot of fun tackling new adventures together.

This is on the last day, when Adam decided the shallow water was okay. Who can resist building towers that the waves will knock down?

I am quite proud of us for preventing sunburn on our fair skin babies!

One of the favorite beach games was scooping sand into buckets of water.

Sometimes, a boy's gotta take a break to re-energize. You just have to make sure no one steals your sippy cup or your sunglasses.

Caleb is like his Mama - he likes to take a good nap on the beach!

Sleeping with the breeze!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you all had so much fun! I can't wait until we get to do a Strunk family beach vacation!!
    --Love Aunt Leah
