Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gameday Ready

So this is how we roll on game days...
The whole team gets up and puts on our game day uniforms

This time we went to Nana and Grandad's to eat lots of food and watch the game.
Gran Jan came over too.

So maybe EVERYONE doesn't watch the game...

But we sure look cute anyway...

And we even "DROOL BLUE" on game days... (thanks Bridger!)

It can be pretty exhausting, really.

I remember when Adam first wore this. Remember? But Adam was about five months old! Caleb is five weeks!


  1. Lisa, you all look too cute. Love the bib! Stacey

  2. I love it!! So good to see that all are decked out in blue, and yes I love the bib! Whoever gave you that must be pretty awesome ha ha :-) Bridger

  3. Love you guys!
