Monday, September 27, 2010

Caleb: 2 Month Update

Guess who's two months old?

We are so happy having Caleb in our family, and it is awesome to know that he was always meant to be with us. Getting to know him and learning his personality is so much fun! Though we daydreamed for so long about what he would look like, for instance, it is easy to forget those feelings now because I know his sweet face and of course, this is our baby! It is as if he is new to us on one hand, but on the other, he has always been a part of us.

Awww....stretching out!

I love these little, big legs!

Aren't baby hands just so sweet?

-Caleb weighs 13 lbs, 9 oz (84th percentile), and is 23.5 inches long (66th percentile).

-His eyelashes are growing and look like they will soon rival his brother's.

-Caleb wears Size 1 diapers (not much longer), and is well into size 0-3 month clothing

-He sleeps a stretch of about 5-6 hours sometimes, but mainly wakes to eat about every 3 hours.

-He is really starting to coo and smile

-His hair is now a medium-brown and his eyes are dark gray/blue

-Caleb loves to be snuggled

-He likes his swing and bouncy seat, but especially likes when Mommy uses the baby carrier

Daddy says he's the "cutest brown-haired baby we've had"!


  1. Renee Lovell9/28/10, 5:43 PM

    Lisa, he's a little doll baby and IMO looks like Adam with dark hair. You've sure got two cuties on your hands. Love to see the pics and read your comments.

  2. HOW PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO good to see you guys the other day- please let's get together soon! Love-Lennie
