Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome Home Caleb!

After three nights at the hospital, we came home on Friday, July 30. It was a hot, hot, sunny day. David picked up Adam so that the three of us could bring Caleb home together. Uncle Scotty had stopped by to visit so he was also at the hospital to help carry stuff out and served as the answer to how we would logistically get ourselves out to the car since I couldn't walk that far or carry much and it was doubtful Adam would walk that far either. I'm sure this is only the beginning for us in learning how to function as a family with two small boys.

Thanks to Nana for decorating our yard!

Adam made sure his new brother stayed in his seat.

It looks like Mommy or Daddy should have made sure his head didn't slump to the side!

Later in the day Lan (David's mom) had fixed a tasty lasagna, salad, and Italian bread for all of us with homemade angel food cake and fresh strawberry toppings for dessert. Nana and Grandad, as well as GranJan came over to eat with us.

Caleb has made himself pretty comfortable at home!


  1. So Cute!!!! Glad you are home and all is well! Bev Messer

  2. Happy to see all is well. Can't wait to see little "C J". Hope he sleeps at night for ya. C J
