Saturday, December 13, 2008

First Trip to the Doctor, Take 2

Adam’s first trip to the pediatrician was scheduled for 10:30 on Friday. After our first day at home on Thursday, we were seriously wondering how we were going to make it out of the house in time for the appointment. I felt like we needed to start getting ready on Thursday evening! So we did, kinda. We packed a diaper bag and tried to prepare as much as we could, choosing outfits, blankets, food, paperwork, etc. to make it easier on Friday morning. By 9:50 AM, we were ready to go, and feeling pretty proud of ourselves. We placed Adam in the carseat and David went out to warm up the car, but he came back in with bad news. Our car wouldn’t start. So of course I said, “Are you sure?”. Yep. The problem with this is the baby’s seat is installed in the car and David drives a pickup truck. I called the doctor’s office to find out if we could change the appointment time and David pushed our car out so we could try to jump it (once we located the jumper cables). On the phone, I was told 1) we were already checked in and 2) that we really needed to get the baby to the office today. (Gee, thanks!) We are delinquent parents already.

We were able to start the car, so David went to get the battery tested and I was able to get an appointment for 1:45 PM. It ended up that our battery was nearly dead. So we fed Adam again and went through all the motions a second time and we managed to make it by our appointment. From all this, we learned that it takes a lot more time and planning to leave the house than it used to.

At the appointment, the pediatrician examined Adam and everything went well. He weighed 4 lbs, 15 oz on their scale, so that is nearly a four ounce gain since we left the hospital!


  1. I'm laughing out of love. It does take awhile to get out of the house, but you will become pros and you'll become faster! The key is to plan as much as you can.
    Thank goodness it was only the battery-at Christmas time yet.

  2. Hey Lisa, Your baby boy is beautiful and a nice name too. Babies are such wonderful gifts. Enjoy every moment with him they grow so fast. My boy's are Jonathan age 9 and Samuel age 18 months. I also have a stepdaughter MaKayla age 12. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Your cousin, Angie Dotson Simpkins

  3. Hilarious guys. Just wait til you have done everything and you are about to get out early and be on time somewhere then blamo big time bowel movement. New diaper, new clothes. Have fun. Seriously i love the line about it taking more time to get out the door. I would say the first few weeks we were always at least an hour behind when we wanted to leave. you adjust. you do everything while the baby is asleep and then just hope to get lucky and have everything go smoothly

  4. Lisa,Now you know what Charlene had to go through with me and 5 kids.But we made it and looking back it was Great.We all learn to adapt to conditions.Merry Christmas and much Love to you and your Family..Jack...
