Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finally Tubeless

Big surprise on Friday night, when we went to see our little man the nurse said that they took out his NG tube. As he keeps growing and eating more we knew this would eventually happen, but we didn't expect it so soon. Everyone please keep praying that he eats well and keeps putting on weight so he doesn't have to get a new tube put in.

Now that he doesn't have a NG tube the only thing he has left is to not have any more heart rate drops and to keep putting on weight. Once the doctors are satisfied with those two things we will get to bring in our car seat for a test to make sure he can tolerate being in the car seat for an hour. If he passes that test we will be ready to take him home. Barring set backs he should be home in time for Christmas.

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support.

Lisa and David (aka Mommy and Daddy)


  1. We are so happy for you guys. I'm praying for a early Christmas for you guys!!!


  2. I was so happy to see you at Lennie's shower on Sunday! I'm thrilled that Adam is doing so well. I will continue to pray for his weight gain and a good car seat test. I hope you all will be able to get some rest as soon as he's home in your arms.

  3. Congratulations, you two! I don't know what planet I've been on, but I just found out you had Adam! He looks perfect - enjoy!
