Monday, September 3, 2012

Caleb's 2nd Birthday

Birthday Boy

A certain boy I know recently turned two and had a pretty fun birthday party to celebrate it!  My fab friend and photographer was there to take some great pictures for us at the tractor party at the Little Gym.  This was the first party I have had away from home and this one was a huge success!  There was room for everyone and the kids had a blast.  The girls from the Little Gym were very good to work with too!

Digging into the cake and ice cream

"Fresh Cut Fields": I made these cupcakes and found these cute tractor cupcake toppers on Etsy.  

Country picnic theme

Our friend Cassie made these awesome cake pops for us that were as yummy as they were cute.

We probably didn't need more sweets but who could resist some hay bales?

Farmer Caleb's Veggie Garden

The birthday cake 

Caleb is 2!
The boys had not been to the Little Gym before but they loved it!

Great place for climbers and dare devils like my two.

Momentary pause

Loving the balance beam

This was the funniest thing - my shy little Adam would run up the incline mat, do some big jump from the top, land and then put his hands on his hips, shoulders back (big ending) and face his audience!  So cute!  We were all so surprised!  I later found out that his preschool camp had been playing "Olympics" in the gym so I guess that is where it came from.

It must be nice to have a big brother help you do everything!  

Walking, then running in a circle led by the birthday boy


Parachute time!

Lilly and Caleb on the uneven bars

Big inflatable thing - this was really fun!

Upper body strength
Making it official - Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

The Crazy Clan

Here is the link for the short video from the Little Gym:

Happy Birthday Caleb!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Super cute party, Lisa!

    1. Thanks Melody. I'm taking tips from you and your cute party themes!

  2. Such a cute party! Love it! Turned out great! I can't believe how big your boys are!! :)
