Monday, February 20, 2012

Caleb at 18 months

Caleb, you are a year and a half!  I took you to your 18 month checkup recently and you weighed 30 lbs (90th percentile), 34 1/2 inches (94th percentile).  You are a big, healthy boy!  Your 18 month clothes are starting to be too tight, so we are moving into many size 24 month clothes.  You wear a size 4 diaper.  

You are a baby who knows his limits - when it is your bedtime, you are pulling us into the kitchen to get your milk and head to the stairs for bedtime.  I cherish still getting to rock you for a bit before you are asleep. You sleep in your crib till about 6 AM most nights (going to bed about 8 PM).  You really like to snuggle, too.

You are a great eater and not very picky at all.  You love veggies and fruit, yogurt, meat, milk, cheese - you name it!  Your favorite snacks are definitely raisins, but you love goldfish too.  

You are learning to say many words and if you can't say it then you do a pretty good job of getting your point across.  You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read books, and your favorites are any animal books, What's Wrong Little Pookie?, Farm Book, and a picture book I made you and Adam from our trip to the zoo (more animals!).  Even in person you love dogs and cats and always want to pet them.

You say quite a few words now like Mommy, Daddy, some word for Adam, ball, baby, bottle, etc.  You can string a few words together too, like "Thank you Daddy" and "More please!".  Important new words are "Go Cats!" and you can say, "Cats! Cats! Cats!" for us too.

You are playful and adventurous.  You are fast and love to run, and you have to know what Adam is doing at all times.  You love to play ball, cars, trains, blocks, etc. and Adam and you have tons of fun chasing each other with your push toys and playing in the bathtub.

You love to laugh and sometimes just crack us up! Happy 18 months sweet boy!

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