Saturday, April 30, 2011

Brennan's 1st Birthday!

Our sweet nephew turned one year old this month! We traveled to London for his birthday party where he had tons of family and friends come to help him celebrate his first year!

Isn't he cute?

He had an Elmo-themed party with an Elmo cake and cute cupcakes like this one.

Thankfully, Brennan received plenty of toys and was willing to share because one blonde-haired boy of mine was eyeing this prize as soon as he walked in the door!

My dark-haired son preferred this plastic prize...

He planned his attack...

But when you are one year old, you quit letting little babies take things from you.

A boy's gotta stand up for himself, you know.

I think Brennan must have been saying, "Hey now, don't you know I'm the Birthday Boy?"

Then Big Brother steps in to say, "That's okay, Bubby! It will be your birthday soon enough!"

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I can't believe you captured each step of the water bottle "episode"! It was funny at the time but it is even better now with your captions and the "face off" at the end. Haha

    -Love you all-- aunt Leah
