Sunday, March 6, 2011

Caleb - 7 Months Old

Hey, I'm 7 months old now!

Another month has passed now and Caleb is now over half the way to his first birthday! Who can believe it? It was just a little bit ago that I first held my little Caleb in my arms, right?

Caleb is a happy baby. He makes us all smile. Over the past couple of months, Caleb has developed a laugh, and its a belly laugh. I love it. His smile spreads across his whole face and he laughs with his entire body. L-O-V-E--I-T!

These days, Caleb is into anything that is within reach. He is quite proficient at sitting up and reaching for things.
He nurses or drinks a bottle every 3-4 hours, and now he is a big fan of solid foods. Besides rice cereal, he also eats bananas, applesauce, pears, green beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Still no teeth, but it could be any day!
Favorite toys and activities these days involve watching everything that is going on, pulling off his socks and eating them (or his toes), sucking his thumb, and bouncing, wherever he is. He loves to play with any chew toy, his jingly frog, musical table, jumparoo, or musical activity center. Caleb doesn't crawl yet, but he can spin and roll to end up someplace completely different than where you left him. He has started liking peekaboo and still loves silly faces.
Stats for this month: 19 lbs, 8 oz and 29.5 inches long. He wears mostly size 6 months clothes, plus some 6-9 months (if one-piece), and size 3 diapers.
Happy 7 month birthday Caleb! We love you very much.


  1. He is absolutely adorable!

  2. Those big eyes just melt my heart! The boys are adorable! I can't wait to see them in person this weekend!!!!!
    ---Love Aunt Leah
