Well, it was time, I guess. My little Caleb had a big comb-over. Unless it was "carefully combed over", his hair was a little crazy. Adam was in need of a haircut too, so it became the big day for Caleb. He was so good!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Play-Doh Family
Here's a couple of masterpieces Adam and I made during a recent play-doh event. We talked about making puppy dogs, boats, cars, etc., but Adam was most interested in making Dada. (Of course!) We then turned it into our whole family. Can you guess which one is which? Haha!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
First Cereal
Caleb recently had his first bites of rice cereal. After a few bites, he was all about the spoon and wanted me to hurry up!
What? You mean I get to eat more than this thing?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Playing with Friends
The Andersons came over to watch the Super Bowl, and we had some yummy food and good times. Adam and Dustin started really playing together this time - in the past, we joke that they "play around" each other. They were cute, crawling through the tunnel and chasing each other around the circle! Before you know it, Jackson and Caleb will be playing together too!
Fun times!
Earlier this week two of my close friends from pharmacy school were meeting in Lexington and I ended up getting to see them too. It was funny to see how times had changed for us; we hardly had time to chat for chasing this bunch below!
For some time now I've been mentally trying to collect a bunch of cute things that Adam says, does, or likes these days. Most of the time, this "mental collecting" is happening in the car, while we are out, or even while we are at home and my hands are full with one or both boys. Well, let's face it, its impossible for me to get this stuff written down, so I'll do the best I can from my mental collecting!
Snow buddies
- Adam has taken an interest in the "E-B" for the first time. His favorite shows are Dora, Chuggington, Handy Manny, and Thomas the Train. It is so cute to see him climb on the couch next to me and sit still to watch a show. My boy is growing up! He says "Chug'ton", "Swiper, no swiping!" and "Aww, man!"
- Adam loves to play pretend these days, and his imagination is growing. We frequently make food and eat it in his little kitchen, and we play "ride on the bus" by sitting on the steps in our house and driving, hitting bumps, honking our horn, etc.
- A new game to play is "Marching Band", which Gigi taught him. We all have to follow Adam as he marches us around the house saying, "March-ing Band...March-ing Band!" Nana recently gave him a set of instruments to make it even more fun!
- Most of the time, Adam now remembers who gave him what, etc. An exception: Lan kept him one day last week when he was home with an ear infection. After getting a Happy Meal with a toy truck in it, he accidentally left it at daycare when we went to pick up Caleb. However, he forgot that part. Instead, he started saying, "Lan took my truck!" Soon after that, he got a replacement truck, and now he says, "Lan got this for me at McDonald's". So far, we haven't lost it!
- He loves to play, and plays hard, and is so observant when someone plays with him. If you do something special or funny with the toys, it becomes the new gold standard for how to play with that particular toy for the future. This also applies to putting away his toys. Once he learns of each item's "place", he is excellent about putting things away where they go. I laugh because his little kitchen has knobs where utensils and frying pans hang, but to him these knobs are not interchangeable - each one is for a certain item. Hopefully I have not messed him up for life - ha! I like to think he has just learned good habits, both here and at daycare. He sings they same song at home that he sings at daycare when its time to clean up!
- At home, Adam is often our little narrator. He is learning so many new words and stringing together longer sentences, and he tells us everything we are doing as we do it!
- Adam loves to be helpful. He likes to help me cook, clean, or even get ready to go somewhere. He gets his shoes and coat, or diapers for Caleb, puts Caleb's hat on, shows me where my coat and purse are, and even sets my shoes together so I can easily slip them on! David likes to have Adam help him pick out clothes to wear in the mornings, though I warn David that this can make me look like a bad wife!
- Adam has a new interest in his Cookie Monster, and he likes his little Elmo too. Every night he puts them on the pillow and covers them up, then comes to tell me that they're sleeping. Sometimes he carries them around in one of my purses, carries some keys and tells me he's "Going to make Dada some monies!" How funny!
- Yesterday he and I went to the pediatric opthamologist as his final follow-up there to check his eyes for problems related to his prematurity. Thankfully, everything has been perfect so far and we can go to regular checkups now. On the way, we passed a huge parking lot FULL of cars, so I pointed it out to him. Adam said, "Wow! Two of 'em!" So...he's not the best counter just yet :) This came from David carrying both boys around - Adam says, "Dada has TWO boys!"
- I have never seen a little kid have a sense of direction like he does. I am positive he could get us to several places in town completely on his own. Sometimes this becomes a challenge, though, such as when we turn a certain way and he thinks we're going to "Chick-Fil-A!" when we're not. Oops.
- Occasionally it becomes obvious the "terrible twos" have set in. The other day, just after filling up with pride at how sweet my little Adam is, he had a big tantrum on me. He was hungry but wouldn't agree to anything I suggested. He saw some crackers that he decided sounded good, but when I asked him to say please first, he refused. And when I say refused, I mean he fell down on the floor, kicked and cried, etc. This seriously went on for 30 minutes! The longer it went on, the more I realized I couldn't give in either. At one point I had Caleb playing on a blanket in the living room and Adam went near him and started saying, "Bubby's touch-in' me, Mama...Bubby's kick-in' me!" Great. He even signed "please" once in an obstinate manner just so he didn't have to say it. Finally, he gave in. Isn't it amazing how young we become so stubborn? I'm afraid he gets this from me, but David has his stubborn streaks too!
- Most importantly, Adam is a wonderful big brother, and I feel very blessed. Those two boys are going to have the best time together! Love you Adam!
I am sure there is more that I'll think of, but then I'll just have to do this again!
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