Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy First Birthday!

Happy birthday Adam! One year ago today we held you in our arms for the first time and fell in love! You are our sweet, precious boy, a gift from our Father above. I know we didn't do anything to deserve you but we are sure thankful that God chose us to be your parents. You make us smile and laugh no matter what and have the face of an angel. Your giggles are infectious and your kisses are irresistible! We pray that all your dreams come true. We love you, sweet boy.

Mommy and Daddy

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween Boo and Flu

We had a great Halloween at our house. Well, sorta. The day before Halloween, we participated in a parade at Adam's daycare. This was not as huge of a production as it sounds, but all the kids and the daycare workers were dressed in their best Halloween costumes and we toured the offices and school nearby. While I can't really post pictures of the other kids at Adam's daycare, you can take my word for it that there were some cute kiddos!

Here is my sweet scarecrow.

My mom and I took Adam to a Fall Festival that night, which will have to become an annual tradition. I look forward to Adam being old enough to really enjoy all the fun and games.

We didn't really do trick or treat this year, but Adam was dressed in his scarecrow costume again for family that stopped by and for trick or treaters that came to our house.

Our interaction with the first trick or treater went something like this:
Costumed boy: Trick or Treat
Us: Well, hi there. Here ya go (dropping some candy in the bag)
Costumed boy: I'm allergic to peanuts...
Us: we have anything that doesn't have peanut butter in it? Oh yeah, the sour patch kids. Here, take this.
Costumed boy: Ok...

Can't say that we really try to accommodate food allergies for trick or treat! This seriously puts some pressure on, you know? I realize food allergies are a serious thing and do not mean to make light of it, but you are going house to house asking for someone else to give you candy, you know? I'm hoping your mom is going to go through your bag and take care of this for me. But cheers to the kid for recognizing it himself, I guess. It just made me chuckle.

I was happy to get some costume time in for Adam because sickness settled in at our house starting Saturday night. Adam had a fever starting that evening through late Monday night, and though his flu test was negative, the doctor still felt like he had to have the flu. So he's been home all week but got secondary infections in both ears, so we were back at the doctor on Friday again. This was all following our scary ER visit due to croup about two weeks before, so we are praying for wellness at our house! He's already perked up after his second day of antibiotics and played much better today.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Fun

Mr. Man got his first haircut last week! He was in a bit of shock by the whole thing, but he loved playing on the slides.

We had the best day on Thursday! This was Adam's first trip to Keeneland and to see horses. He is a people watcher! He flirted with a girl behind us most of the day.

"They're at the post..."

There's a few things I love about this picture.
1) It sorta looks like a photo-shop fake, doesn't it?
2) It was a pretty good way to get Adam close to a horse and
3) It easily shows David's mullet. (!?!)

Does this picture really need a caption?

We finally made it out to the orchard and couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

What's our 11 month old up to these days?

Adam is a little over 11 months now. Time flies! Here's a few things about our boy:

• He is a busy, curious (did I say busy?) boy! It feels like nothing is out of his reach.
• Adam crawls really well, and is FAST! My favorite new thing is chasing him, because now he will "run" from me. He stops to make sure I'm still following, squeals with laughter, then lunges forward to get moving again. It is infectious!
• He now weighs ~19 lbs, 4 ounces and is somewhere around 29 inches long. He wears clothes that are ~9 months (sometimes still 6 months) and a Size 3 diaper.
• Adam loves to eat, and he loves to try anything Mommy and Daddy are eating. He's better with his sippy cup now, though he doesn't care much for juice yet. He has four teeth now.
• His favorite toys are his blocks shape sorter, little singing wheel car thing, ring stacker, singing bear, and wooden spoon. Got all that?
• His motor skills get better every day.
• Adam can get into baskets or drawers and pull out every single thing, or can pull everything off a bookshelf within reach. Need I say more about his motor skills? I didn't even mention that every single thing makes its way into his mouth…well, until now.
• We have had a few pinched fingers in drawers, a few incidences of a bumped head, but lots of fun.
• He loves to clap, blow raspberries, bang on my table with his toys, laugh, play peek-a-boo, and get tickled by Daddy. He loves to watch cars go by and kids play outside.
• He becomes more brave every day, and has been known to let go while standing because he's busy doing something. No steps yet!
• He is a sweet, sweet boy.

Our Nation's Capital

Last month I had a last-minute trip to DC for a work conference with other VA pharmacists who do the same specific job that I do all across the country. It was fun to get to meet some people, share our work and ideas, etc. It was only for a couple of days, so David was able to switch a day and go with me! This was our first trip away from Adam, and our my first night away from him. Leaving him was difficult, but he was in good hands with David's parents, and from all accounts he had a great time and did a lot of visiting! I survived being away from him, though I convinced myself that he was upset with me the entire first 24 hours I was home. I'm sure now that it was all in my head.

David and I had a fun time, walked until our feet were blistered, and were able to enjoy a couple beautiful days seeing some sights, thinking of our nations's blessed history, and being thankful for those who have and those who are currently fighting for our country.

The Washington Monument, so pretty at night!

The World War II Memorial: This was "new" since I had last been in DC, and was so great to visit. Pictures do not do it justice.

There was one of these for each state and territory at the time of the war. I am sure there was a ton more symbolism behind the design, so click here for more info. Who said this blog couldn't be educational?

The White House from the top of the Washington Monument. I'm zoomed in, but I never knew it was so close to the Mall! I can't wait to go back one day when Adam is a little bigger.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I've been waiting for Adam to get big enough for his Transy onesie! Thanks Brandy - it looks so cute!

My friend Allyson and her family visited last weekend and brought her son Ryan. Allyson was my next door neighbor and best friend growing up. We spent many, many, many hours playing together, so we were excited for Ryan and Adam to meet. Had Adam been born on his due date, Ryan and Adam would be almost exactly a year apart. Aren't they cute?

We had quite a fun-filled weekend. I went to Cincinnati on Friday and was able to catch up with a good friend, Saturday was busy and Sunday I was able to co-host a shower for my friend Ashley from college. I had not seen many of the girls at the shower in quite awhile, and we had so much fun catching up. Here's Adam and me with Sara, Julia, and Ashley.

A little while later Adam and I had been playing and I started doing something else and then noticed that he had gotten awfully quiet... Now I ask, what kind of mom lets her little boy play with a tube of butt cream?

And what kind of Mom takes a picture before taking it away?

The mom of a little boy who cried when it was gone!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

I have let the day pass without wishing David a Happy Birthday! We had a lot of fun last weekend celebrating David. We ate dinner out all three meals in one day!

Adam also wished his daddy a happy birthday. I forgot to factor in Adam's love for all things made of paper when I decided to do this! David had these pictures in his card from Adam.

The days of placing Adam in the floor and returning to find him in the same spot are long gone. It seems like he has now been mobile forever. Once he decided to go, he was gone. He can crawl really fast now, and even faster if he army crawls. He reminds me of a wind-up toy once he sets his sights on something. He is a ton of fun! He also pulls up on everything now, which has led to a few tears when he chooses things that aren't stable.

We were able to visit my grandfather two weeks ago, too, and we spent the night at Jenny Wiley State Park on our way back and worked in some hiking. Adam loved visiting Papaw Earl, and I think my Papaw enjoyed it a little bit too.

Our little guy also learned to clap on Saturday! It was so cute. He already loves for us to say, "Yea, Adam!" He smiles really big and we guess he's probably thinking, "I don't know what I did but I'll smile anyway". We were watching the Kentucky football game and he decided to clap too! What a true fan!

Finally, a couple more of Adam's crazy hair pics. This was seriously his look when he woke up from his nap. He plays REALLY hard now, but he apparently he sleeps really hard too!

Creepy Crawlies

We've had a couple of critters visit our house lately. We have a local groundhog who thankfully usually doesn't come past our neighbor's house. We have lots of birds, squirrels, and rabbits, a mole that I think may have finally kicked the bucket, an occasional chipmunk, and then our recent Mother Duck. You'd think we live in the woods or something. A few weeks ago, this little guy(?) had his nose up to our backdoor. I was worried that if I had come outside to water the flowers from that door, he could have scurried right on in, but David kept assuring me that "scurry", he would not.

We do not have a picture of our most recent critter, so you'll have to take my word for it. Adam was in the bed and I was doing some last minute things before going to bed myself when I looked down the stairs to see that a folded basket of laundry was dumped in the floor. I was getting a little worked up thinking that David was using the basket for other laundry so I yelled down to ask what he was doing. His prompt response was, "Uh, we have a problem". Thinking that the dryer must be broken, I asked what it was. David said, "We have a bat in the house." A what!!!???! I think I made him repeat it three times. David had me make sure Adam's room and the other rooms upstairs were closed, then I peered around through the dining room to watch through the glass swingy door as a bat was flying in circles in my kitchen. Lovely. David had it blocked off from going anywhere else in the house and he was using the laundry basket to keep it away after learning he was unlikely to catch it with the basket! This was not good.

I took the house key around to unlock and open the back door, then made a run for it back to the front of the house. I had plenty of time to get back inside and watch the dumb thing for another five minutes before it finally made its way out. I was really freaked out after that; I thought I was going to have to sleep with the lights on or something.

We think that I let the bat in when I went outside for a minute to water the plants on the back deck, but I didn't see or hear it when I came back inside. David was watching baseball in the basement and saw the shadow of it flying on the tv. Before he could shut the basement door to close it in down there, it had flown up to the main floor of our house. I am much more careful about closing doors now; actually, I am way less likely to walk outside after dark!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Otitis Media

The little man is down (but not out) with an ear infection today. He had a fever yesterday while he was home with Daddy and a couple of rough nights so I stayed home with him today. I took him to the pediatrician this morning and did his 9 month old checkup (scheduled for next week) today too. He no longer has a fever but one ear "looks terrible" according to the doctor. So I had my favorite pharmacist fill his prescription and hopefully we are on our way back to feeling great. Little man hasn't been too fussy in general, but if something goes wrong (like he tips over) he is way more unhappy than his normal self would be.

We have to go back to the doctor next week, though for follow-up because his hemoglobin was low again. Hopefully its just because he was sick today. Nevertheless, its back to iron supplements until we know for sure. As for now, I think we'll go for a walk. He enjoys that so much. And his ear hasn't kept him from bouncing!

By the way, Adam is now in the 3rd percentile (up from the 1st) in weight. Yippee! He is also up to the 35th for length now.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nine Months

Here's a picture from this morning that cracks me up. You can't see the true craziness of Adam's bed-head, but you can see that every time he wears these jammies he manages to get his feet out. In the middle of the night. Little Houdini.

Well, school has started back and Adam has taken full advantage of that by deciding to absorb every little thing that happens and learn to imitate it.

  • We have a 9 month old on our hands now! And maybe its just me but it seems like he has made a huge leap in growing up!

  • He still has not really taken off crawling yet. He gets where he needs to go in a round about fashion but I am sure any day now he will be on the move.

  • He learns something new every day. I love this age. Have I said those things before? Day before yesterday, Adam was playing on his belly and just sat himself up! He puts his legs underneath him and then pushes himself backwards with his arms until he's sitting on his butt. After the first time, he is such a pro that you'd think he has been doing it forever.

  • Adam is so curious about everything now. He is pulling himself up when he can find something that will work to hold on to. Most of the things in our living room won't work, but he's found a few places that do. David plans to lower the crib mattress when he gets home from work today.

  • Oh my! And the tooth! That's been almost 3 weeks now but he has one nail-sharp little tooth on the bottom front that is poking through. He's had a little runny nose to go with it.

  • He discovered his tongue last weekend and was constantly sticking it out and using it to make smacky noises. After a couple of days he was over it.

  • Its time to take a good look around our living room and places where he usually hangs out. I have a photo album on the shelf beneath my coffee table and he loves to crawl over and pull it off. Now that he can sit himself up, he gets situated, pulls it closer to him and then starts turning the pages (usually upside down and in a crinkled up fashion). Yep, that album needs a new home.

  • Adam is ~16 lbs and 10 oz, 27 1/2 inches long and a wiggly worm. He's outgrown his 3-6 month clothes and #2 diapers (though we're still using them at the moment). We've moved on to #2 foods as well.

Who can believe its time for school to start again? No one in my household is in school now but I've realized it doesn't matter. Its still a turning point either way. First, there's the traffic. Where do all these people go? I made the mistake on the first day of school of driving by a school near my house. I have discovered this year that traffic lights fall way more in my favor if I get out of my neighborhood the longer way. I thought I was early enough to beat the school traffic, but not on the first day! I was in line for the same stop sign for nearly 7 minutes! Plus I was already running late. But sitting there and watching all these parents walk their too-little children to school made me tear up! I am such a softie sometimes. I watched a little guy who was obviously SO proud of his Batman bookbag, but I just wanted to say, "Turn around, he's too little for school!" I will be a basketcase in 4-5 more years if I'm not already (which is arguable).

On a brighter note, school does give you the opportunity to shop from the BEST selection of school supplies, and who doesn't love school supplies? Why do you suddenly feel inspired to journal when you have a new notebook and a flashy new pen? And crayons! Aren't they just fun! I admit to hanging out in the school supply aisle looking for something that I "need". Maybe I'll go back to school for something. Umm..naahh. I'll wait a few years for kindergarten.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mobile at last!?

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but Adam is developing mobility.

Friday, July 31, 2009

A Weekend to Remember

I have been very anxious to get some pictures up from our little long-weekend vacation earlier this month. Here are some pictures of Adam before and during his very first plane ride!

As you can see, he doesn't seem too bothered by it at all. He was a traveling angel! He just sat on my lap and played the entire time. I had read and been told to take a bottle or pacifier to help keep his ears from hurting during takeoff and landing. I gave him these unless he was asleep and he didn't seem to even notice. So maybe my worries were unfounded; I choose to think all my preparation paid off!

Even our plane ride back by myself with Adam was a breeze. He helped me out TREMENDOUSLY by flirting, making eyes, and giving huge grins to everyone sitting around us. So we got a little bit of special treatment, which never hurts, right? I met several people this way! I had prayed about the people I would sit beside on the plane, that Adam wouldn't be a bother to them and that they would be okay with having a little one close by. That plan was sure answered! On our first flight we sat beside a gal who was a dental student in London, England traveling home from visiting her cousin at the beach. It turns out that she had a nine month old baby sister at home. Next thing I knew she was handing me things from my diaper bag and letting me know when his eyes looked heavy. The seat was open beside us on the second flight home but Adam made friends with several people around us who then set up my stroller for me once we picked it up plane-side. The steward on that flight made a special trip to my row to tell me that Adam earned the "best baby" award. Well, yeah!

We had a little bit of excitement on our trip too. On our first full day there we walked from Leigh and Tom's house across the road and for a long morning walk on the beach. We came back and went out by the pool (which was beautiful!). We had really enjoyed our day and were packing it all up to come inside to go to my mom's birthday dinner when my mom fell down one small step by the pool. She was hurting pretty badly and we found out the next day that she had sprained BOTH of her ankles and broke her left leg! So needless to say our vacation plans changed slightly after that!

Adam loved being in the water though. Leigh and Tom had this gigantic yellow duck in the pool that made Adam do a belly laugh when he saw it. We also spent a lot of time near the waterfalls in their pool because Adam was fascinated by them. Now for a few more of those pictures...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Up and Away

Look at what I found Mom! A plastic bag!
Yummmy! I like carrots!

Yikes! Its almost Thursday already, and that is when Adam and I leave for Virginia Beach! It is Adam's first plane ride and my first attempt at trying to pack all of his stuff AND mine in ONE BAG! Yikes again! The good news (well, sorta) is that its only for a few days. We are traveling out with my mom but will be returning on our own after the weekend. We are sad that David couldn't come too! We'll be visiting family there and have some serious pool time planned. So say a little prayer for us as we travel.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

I guess my theme for the summer is to be a few days late of every event! Adam and I had a great weekend (and Daddy too) but he did have to work a couple of days. I was fortunate enough to be off from work both Thursday and Friday and we visited with many friends, did a little shopping, good eating, cookouts, lounging around, playing, and even singing. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.

Adam really is a happy baby most of the time!

We went with my parents and brother to the Patriotic Concert at Transy led by the Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra. We packed a picnic full of snacks and our camping chairs and really had a nice time. The weather was wonderful that day; we were so happy to have taken advantage of it when the next couple of days were a little bit rainy.

It was a good time to think about our country and how blessed we are, and to remember those who have served and are currently serving our country. One of the best parts of my job is getting to give a little something back to our veterans. Surely, as we go about our busy lives we do not take enough time to remember those who are overseas, are in preparation to go, those who have returned and are trying to pick up their lives, and those who did not make it back. We thank you!
God bless the USA!